Treat yourself.

Because you deserve it.

day retreat date with yourself munich

Day Retreat:
Authentic Connection


Munich, Germany
8th of September

This day retreat is about you.
And who you want to be. Nourish your body, mind, and soul. A mini vacation in Munich.

Yoga and Surf Retreat


Imsouane, Morocco
12. – 16. November

Connect with the ocean. Connect with others. Connect with yourself.
Escaping the winter while chasing the sun & waves.

Yoga and Surf Retreat

12th – 16th november

Sunsets, waves & movement
is all you need

Discover the perfect balance between relaxation, self-care, mindfulness, and adventure at our exclusive Yoga and Surf Retreat in Imsouane, Morocco. From November 12th to 16th, 2024, we invite you to live in a beautiful, modern beach villa with a pool right by the sea – a true paradise for body and soul. Wether you’re a complete beginner in surfing an / or Yoga or already advanced – we have the right teacher for you and will support you individually, so that you can take the utmost growth and experience from this transformative retreat!

About Imsouane: “The beautiful bay and the mysterious mountains that surround the village give this place a unique energy, something which you have to experience for yourself. You’ll feel the outside world melt away with every wave as you sink into the slow pace of life here in Imsouane. Time passes differently here.”

What's included?

– 4 nights/5 days at our private Villa “Dar Zitoun”
– 2 yoga classes per day and daily meditation / breathwork
– Surf lessons with coaches for all skill levels
– Inspiring workshops
– Surf equipment (board and wetsuit)
– Yoga equipment (mats, straps, blocks,…)
– All meals & drinks (tea, filtered water, coffee)
– Pool with ocean view
– A beautiful community

Tell me about Imsouane and Morocco:

Your day

Imagine waking up to the sound of the sea, stepping out onto your balcony to take in the vastness of the ocean, whilst the sun kisses your skin. Your oasis in the most beautiful place in Morocco.

You start your day with meditation, breathing exercises (Pranayama), and an energizing yoga flow, followed by a fresh and hearty breakfast. Depending on the swell forecast, you then grab your surfboard and paddle out to catch your first wave. Of course, your coach is there to give you the best tips and assist with any questions. Inspirational workshops follow, along with a restorative yoga session to end the day. We also dine together in the evenings, with our private chef creating culinary delights. And of course, you’ll have plenty of time for yourself to relax by the pool or ocean, explore the fishing village, reflect, read, and more.


The small fishing village of Imsouane is located on the coast of Morocco. The Berber name of the village literally means “the drinking mouth,” referring to the Bay drinking in the swell from the wild Atlantic Ocean.

Here lies Africa’s longest wave – a dream for beginners, intermediates, and professional surfers alike.Even today, there’s a vibrant community of fishermen selling fresh fish every morning in the harbour. They coexist harmoniously with local shop owners and operators of guesthouses and apartments. A few tourists from all over the world have been coming to Imsouane more and more, especially during the surf season. Many of them return to Imsouane repeatedly; the place and its people stay in their hearts.

The breathtaking bay embraced by mountains gives this place a unique energy. Time seems to pass differently here. Some might say that time doesn’t exist here – it’s like living in a beautiful bubble.The nearest cities are Agadir (85 km south) and Essaouira (100 km north), with several other small villages along the way.

The weather in November is pleasantly warm. Temperatures are never too high due to a gentle sea breeze. Evenings and nights can be slightly cool, but never too cold – we recommend packing a cozy sweater though.

Your home for the retreat

The Villa Dar Zitoun, the “House of Olives,” is a luxourious villa perched on the cliffs of Imsouane, overlooking the bay and with easy access to the beach. From every corner of the villa and the garden, you’ll enjoy breathtaking views of the majestic mountains and the vast sea. Contemporary architecture meets typical Moroccan textiles and art. Each room has its own bathroom and a private balcony or access to the pool terrace. In the spacious living room, you can cuddle up with a book on one of the comfortable sofas or play board games by the fireplace. The kitchen is private, as it’s used by our private chef to prepare breakfast, dinner, snacks, and drinks. In the idyllic garden, there are four bungalows, each with its own bathroom, accommodating 2 to 3 people. At the center is a classy pool, naturally cleaned with mineral salts and using much less chlorine than conventional pools. If you’re bringing your own surfboard, there are several outdoor storage options available.

Show me the accomodation:

every room has a private bathroom

Looks great! How do I get there?

Arriving in Agadir: 

1. We can organise a taxi for you. For that, please let us know your flight number and arrival time. A private taxi from Agair to Imsouane will be around 60-80€, but of course you can split the cost if you are arrivng at the same time. Travel time is 1h 50 min

2. Another option is to use the shuttle service from „Souk to Surf“, this one only departs once a day for 12€ and you need to book it at least 2 days before. Travel time is 2h 05 min

3. Public transport: From the Airport, get a bus to the Agadir bus station, hop on a bus to Imsouane (8-10€), and then grab a taxi to go from Imsouane village to the Coast (around 10km). Be aware that the public bus doesn’t run on an official schedule so you might have to wait up to 3 hours before they leave the station. Travel time is between 2-4h 

Arriving in Essouira:

1. We can organise a private taxi for you. For that, please let us know your flight number and arrival time. A private taxi from the airport to Imsouane will be around 60€, but of course, you can split the cost if you are arriving at the same time. Travel time is 1h 40 min

2. Another option is to use the shuttle service from „Souk to Surf“ for 12€, this one only departs once a day and you need to book it at least 2 days before. Travel time is 1h 40 min

Arriving in Marrakesh:

1. A Taxi will cost you around 120-300€, again you can split this cost should you arrive at the same time or are travelling together. Travel time is 4h 30 min

2. „Souk to Surf“ doesn’t service a direct route any longer, but here is a bus option:
Take the bus (1-3€) or a taxi to the Supratours bus station in Marakesh. The taxi journey should take around 10 minutes and should cost less than 100 dirham (€10), but you may have to haggle!
-Book the 10:45 am supratours bus from Marrakesh to Essaouira, this journey takes 3 hours and costs €13 per person (tickets) The 10:45 am bus arrives around 1:45 pm (plan delays tough), and then take the 3:00 pm Souk to Surf bus to Imsouane. The supratours bus terminal in Essaouira is a 5-minute walk from the shuttle pick-up point (Bab El Mechouar). You should aim to arrive at the Supratours bus terminal 15 minutes before departure, also if you have large bags you will need to buy luggage passes (€1 per bag). If you would like some more time to look around Essaouira, there is also a Supratours bus departing Marrakesh at 9:00 am and arriving in Essaouira at 12:00 pm.
-Book the Souk to Surf shuttle from Essaouira (Bab El Mechouar) to Imsouane (Momo Coffee). This costs €12 per person and takes 1 hour 45 minutes. The shu
ttle departs from Essaouira at 3:00 pm, so you will arrive in Imsouane around 4:45 pm. Total time: around 6 hours

3.You could also take a public or supratours Bus to Agadir and then go as explained above.

Please be aware that public transport is not always on time and you should allow for some time in between busses. „Souk to Surf“ and Supratours are the most punctual but just connect bigger cities / certain routes. 

Of course, you can also rent a car, especially if you are planning on staying a little longer anyways. Imsouane itself is a walkable village so you won’t need a car here.

What do I need to pack?

You will probably just need hand luggage. Pack some active wear for yoga, bring a swimsuit and beach towel (and sunscreen!). The weather in November is pleasantly warm. Temperatures are never too high due to the gentle sea breeze. Evenings and nights can be slightly cool, but never too cold – we recommend packing a cozy sweater though. Sunglasses won’t hurt either as well a sun hat or cap. Keep in mind that Morocco is still a Muslim country, so be respectful. Since Imsouane is a surfers’ village, bikini or bathing shorts are completely fine tough! Pack whatever you feel comfortable with. 

You don’t need to bring your own wetsuit for the surf classes, as well as a board. All of that will be provided. Same goes for Yoga Equipment: we have mats, straps, blocks,…

You can get essential beauty products here, but since it’s a small town we recommend bringing your favourite Shampoo from home.

You will have some time for yourself, so feel free to bring a book, journal, or any other personal items for you to enjoy. 

bring a friend” booking special
If you want to bring a friend we got a special offer for you. For the first 3 couples you only pay 888€ p.P. instead of 999€. Just tell us their name when your sending your booking request below.

Your Johanna + Cici

I’m in:
surf and yoga retreat in morocco
    Stornierung und Haftung


    * Die Teilnahme am Yoga Retreat erfolgt auf eigene Verantwortung. Voraussetzung der Teilnahme ist eine dafür ausreichende sowohl körperliche als auch geistige Gesundheit  und ein adäquater Fitnesszustand.

    * Eine gültige Kranken- sowie Haftpflichtversicherung ist ebenfalls Voraussetzung

    * Der Veranstalter haftet nicht für gesundheitliche und personenbezogene Schäden, Verletzungen sowie Sachschäden (an anderen Teilnehmenden und den kompletten Veranstaltungsorten), die nicht von ihm verursacht wurden. Für selbstverschuldete Schäden wird keine Haftung übernommen.

    Bezahlung und Stornierung:

    * Eine verbindliche Buchung kommt durch die schriftliche Buchungsbestätigung (per E-Mail) seitens des Veranstalters zustande.

    * Es gilt eine Widerrufsfrist von 24 Stunden nach Vertragsabschluss.

    * Direkt nach der Buchungsbestätigung ist die jeweilige Teilnahmegebühr Überweisung fällig. Sollten wir innerhalb von 10 Tagen keinen Zahlungseingang verzeichnen, behalten wir uns vor, den Platz erneut zu vergeben.

    Im Fall einer Stornierung erstatten wir dir folgende Kosten:

    * Bis zum 31.09.2024 erstatten wir dir 50% der Kosten.

    * Bei einer Stornierung, die nach dem 31.09.2024 erfolgt, erstatten wir dir keine Kosten.

    Der Veranstalter behält sich das Recht vor, Änderungen am Yoga Retreat–Programm vorzunehmen.

    Über Änderungen oder Stornierungen des Retreatverlaufs, die durch Krankheit oder unvorhergesehende Ereignisse, z.B. durch höhere Gewalt, entstehen, werden die Teilnehmer umgehend informiert. Es erfolgt die Umbuchung auf einen Ersatztermin (vom Veranstalter definiert) oder die ggfs. die Rückerstattung des gesamten Reisebetrags.

    Bild- und Filmnutzungsrechte

    Mit der Anmeldung erklärst du dich damit einverstanden, dass während des Yoga Retreats begleitend Fotos und Videos erstellt werden, die sämtlichen Teilnehmenden zur Verfügung gestellt werden, sowie für die interne Dokumentation und für Werbezwecke (z.B. Instagram, TikTok, Website) genutzt werden dürfen. Wenn du damit nicht einverstanden bist, informiere den Veranstalter bitte vor Beginn des Retreats schriftlich darüber.


    Die Teilnehmenden verpflichten sich, sich am Veranstaltungsort respektvoll und ordnungsgemäß zu verhalten sowie ordnungsgemäß mit Inventar, Unterkunft und des zur Verfügung gestellten Yoga-Equipments umzugehen. Zuwiderhandlung kann zum Ausschluss vom Retreat mit vorzeitiger Abreise führen. Eine Rückzahlung bereits erbrachter Leistungen erfolgt nicht.

    Sollte ein/e Teilnehmer*in innerhalb des Retreats den Prozess der Gruppe erheblich stören, so kann nach Vermahnung ein Ausschluss vom Retreat erfolgen. Die Kosten einer vorzeitigen Abreise sind von den Teilnehmenden selbst zu tragen. Eine (teilweise) Rückerstattung der Teilnahmegebühr ist ausgeschlossen.

    Cancellation and Liability


    • Participation in the yoga retreat is at your own risk. A prerequisite for participation is adequate physical and mental health and an appropriate fitness level.
    • Valid health and liability insurance are also required.
    • The organizer is not liable for health and personal damages, injuries, or property damages (to other participants and the entire event locations) not caused by them. No liability is assumed for self-inflicted damages.

    Payment and Cancellation:

    • A binding booking is confirmed by the organizer’s written booking confirmation (via email).
    • A 24-hour cancellation period applies after the contract is concluded.
    • The participation fee is due immediately after the booking confirmation. If we do not receive payment within 10 days, we reserve the right to reassign the spot.

    In the case of a cancellation, we will refund you the following costs:

    • Until the 31.09.2024, we will refund you 50% of the costs.
    • For cancellations after 31.09.2024, we will not refund any costs.

    The organizer reserves the right to make changes to the yoga retreat program.

    Participants will be informed promptly of any changes or cancellations to the retreat process due to illness or unforeseen events, such as force majeure. Rebooking to a substitute date (defined by the organizer) or a full refund of the travel amount will be provided.

    Image and Film Usage Rights:

    By registering, you agree that photos and videos will be taken during the yoga retreat, which will be made available to all participants, used for internal documentation, and for promotional purposes (e.g., Instagram, TikTok, website). If you do not agree, please inform the organizer in writing before the retreat begins.


    Participants are required to behave respectfully and properly at the event location and to handle the inventory, accommodation, and provided yoga equipment appropriately. Violations may lead to exclusion from the retreat with early departure. No refund will be given for services already provided.

    If a participant significantly disrupts the group’s process during the retreat, they may be excluded from the retreat after a warning. The costs of early departure are to be borne by the participant. A (partial) refund of the participation fee is excluded.

    munich, 16th of June

    Date with yourself.

    When was the last time you took time out of your busy schedule just for yourself?
    To nourish your soul, body, and mind?

    This day retreat is about you.
    And who you want to be.

    Gain holistic knowledge that transfers to your everyday life whilst indulging in nourishing food, ceremonial cacao, ayurvedic tea and much more.

    Are you ready for this transformative day?

    Yours, Johanna + Melissa

    The Day Retreat.

    Inner strength: the Yoga Retreat

    30th of June – 06th of July

    This yoga retreat is a holistic experience that goes beyond physical movement, nurturing your mental and emotional well-being. Understand that stress is not always an obstacle, find new perspectives, transform your life and completely recharge throughout the week.

    Complete beginner or life-long yogi? The classes will adapt to your level and make sure that you will find the right challenge for yourself! Beyond the physical aspect the mindset masterclasses will provide you with hand on tools that you can implement in your life even after teh retreat.

    At the serene southern coast of Portugal “Four Trees”, a conscious farm nestled amidst luscious nature, provides the ideal setting for deep rest, far from the hustle and bustle. Immerse yourself in yoga sessions and inspirational workshops, bask in unforgettable sunsets, engage in meaningful conversations, and savor delicious meals crafted from locally sourced ingredients – simplicity elevated to the extraordinary.

    All of this is included:

    • 6x nights accomodation
    • 2x healthy & seasonal vegetarian/vegan meals a day
    • Filtered water, tea & fruits are available all day
    • Daily yoga classes, mediations and breathing exercises. Mats / props are available on site.
    • Inspirational workshops, ice plunges, and more.
    • Transfer to the accommodation by Four Trees from Funcheira or Ourique railway station.
    • An incredible community!

      Your Investment: only 990€

    Can’t wait to meet you on the mat!